#CoronavirusPandemic: How do vaccines work?


Vaccines make your body produce the antibodies you need to fend off that illness.

Antibodies are proteins produced by your body’s immune system that can combine chemically with substances which your body recognises as alien, such as a virus. The more antibodies there are, the more can attach to the virus to render it useless.


Let’s say antibodies are the defence army of your body. (But instead of injuring the enemy, they engulf them in one giant hug and just won’t let go.)


Without a vaccine, your body would have to make those antibodies first. This can take a few weeks.

In those couple of weeks the virus can multiply and overwhelm your body’s immune system.


With the vaccine, you prep your body to be ready to fight that illness before you even encounter it.

Because your body made some antibodies thanks to the vaccination already, as soon as you come in contact with the virus, your defence army is ready. This makes it easier to fight the virus, as it can be extinguished right in the beginning when it is still in small amounts and you might not even have symptoms of the illness.


So without the vaccine, when the virus arrives, your body is defenceless and first needs to assemble its defence army.

With the vaccine, you give your body time to assemble its defence army and as soon as the virus hits, your immune system is ready to fend it off, giving you a vital head start that saves you from hospitalisation.



Stick to the #Covid19NewNormal and adhere to Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) to limit the rate of transmission.



#BeAMasketeer and Save Lives!

Stay Home.

Stay Distant.

Wash Your Hands.

Don’t Touch Your Face.

Wear A Mask.


A safe way to protect yourself and your loved ones against severe illness and death from Covid-19 is to #GetVaccinated. Don’t end up in hospital because you missed your shot:

Vax And Relax.

Get Your Jabs Before Jol.


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