SA #VaccinationRollout: Saturday vaccination available for walk-ins on 21/08/21


Saturday Vaccination Sites on 21 August 21 in the Western Cape.
Saturday Vaccination Sites on 21 August 21 in the Western Cape.


The Western Cape Department of Health is continuing to open vaccination sites on a Saturday.

On 21st of August 2021 these vaccination stations are open for walk-ins, in line with the priority system:

Cape Metro 

Cape Rural 


Walk-ins will be prioritised in the following order:

  • Priority 1 – people 60 years and older requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine;
  • Priority 2 – people 60 years and older requiring their 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine;
  • Priority 3 – people aged 50 -59 years requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine;
  • Priority 4 – people aged 35-49 years requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine.


Additional weekend vaccination sites will be added in line with available vaccine supplies.


In the meantime we need to get used to the #Covid19NewNormal and adhere to Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) to limit the rate of transmission.


So let’s do everything we can: It’s up to us to stop the spread.

#Coronavirus: #HeroesWearMasks!

#BeAMasketeer and save lives!

Stay Home.

Stay Distant.

Wash Your Hands.

Don’t touch your face.

Wear a mask.


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