SA #VaccinationRollout: Are walk-ins allowed? Yes, but…


South Africa’s Youth Endala (old youth, as in 35+) restored hope in a pandemic-free future when they set the record of over 1 Million Vaccine Registrations in 1 Day.


That enthusiasm seems to spill beyond the EVDS registration and into Covid-19 vaccine sites, as more and more people try their luck and do a walk-in.


A walk-in means you join the queue at a vaccination station even though you haven’t received your appointment SMS yet.

Without a vaccine appointment you’re not guaranteed to get vaccinated.

But unless the vaccination site runs out of vaccines, you have a pretty good chance to get your jab.


There are various factors that have an impact on the availability of vaccines for walk-ins, as Premier Alan Winde explains in detail.


To keep the supply of vaccines fair there is a prioritisation system for walk-ins:


But even if you do a walk-in, make sure you are registered first:


It is easy to register for your Covid-19 Vaccine jab

There are four ways you can register to receive your Covid-19 vaccine:

  •  By using the online registration platform available on the SA Coronavirus website:
  • By dialling * 134 * 832 # and registering via USSD
  • By sending the word “register” via WhatsApp to 0600 123 456
  • By calling the national toll-free call centre on 0800 029 999, where somebody will help you to register and answer any questions about the vaccination rollout


In the meantime we still need to adhere to Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) to limit the rate of transmission.


Wear a mask and adhere to social distancing.


It’s up to us to stop the spread:


#BeAMasketeer and save lives!

Stay Home.

Stay Distant.

Wash Your Hands.

Don’t touch your face.

Wear a mask.



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